Daily Announcements

(Updated Daily by Noon)

September 17, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Tuesday, September 17 and these are your morning announcements.

Congratulations to Mr. Cardoza’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th periods, Mr. Seilhamer’s 6th period, and all of Mrs. Wren’s and Mrs. Black’s classes who displayed excellent behavior for a substitute yesterday. Their students will receive Charger points in their accounts. Keep up the good work!

Math Pentathlon is unable to meet today during Flex.

Students - As a reminder, please report to your 1st period upon entering the school building each morning. We hope many of you have enjoyed being able to purchase breakfast in the Cafeteria this school year. As a reminder, only students who are purchasing a breakfast should be in the Cafeteria. Students should not be there hanging out with friends unless you are there purchasing food and actively eating. Food must also be finished in the Cafeteria before the 7:27 bell when all students should be heading back to their 1st period. Thank you for your cooperation.

As a reminder, please don’t grab other student’s backpacks while walking in the hallway.

Art Club forms are due back by Thursday, September 19 if you would like to join this fun, creative group! See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds to get a packet if you weren't able to make it to our informational meeting. All students are welcome!

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Tuesday!

September 16, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Monday, September 16 and these are your morning announcements. 

Students - As a reminder, please report to your 1st period upon entering the school building each morning. We hope many of you have enjoyed being able to purchase breakfast in the Cafeteria this school year. As a reminder, only students who are purchasing a breakfast should be in the Cafeteria. Students should not be there hanging out with friends unless you are there purchasing food and actively eating. Food must also be finished in the Cafeteria before the 7:27 bell when all students should be heading back to their 1st period. Thank you for your cooperation.

As a reminder, please don’t grab other student’s backpacks while walking in the hallway.

Art Club forms are due back by Thursday, September 19 if you would like to join this fun, creative group!  See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds to get a packet if you weren't able to make it to our informational meeting. All students are welcome!

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds. 

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Monday!

September 13, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Friday, September 13 and these are your morning announcements.

Congratulations to 6th and 8th graders for doing an excellent job going to lunch quietly yesterday. All students in these grades will receive Charger points in their accounts.

Congratulations to Mrs. Lovewell’s 1st period, Ms. Phillip’s 7th period, and all of Mr. Wojtowicz’s classes who displayed excellent behavior for a substitute yesterday. Their students will receive Charger points in their accounts. Keep up the good work!

TODAY, our Charger Store will be open. If you wish to spend any Charger points you have earned, stop by The Charger Store which is located off the hallway as you are leaving from the Cafeteria. Please check your balance in your account before you head to lunch, so you know how much you have to spend.

Art Club forms are due back by Thursday, September 19 if you would like to join this fun, creative group!  See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds to get a packet if you weren't able to make it to our informational meeting. All students are welcome!

Are you looking for a way to get more involved at Ankeney and to make a positive difference?  Do you want to meet new people and plan spirit weeks and special events at Ankeney?  Are you a good role model and do you show the Charger Way?  If so, fill out an application for Student Advisory Club.  Applications can be found by room 154 (Lovewell), the main office and Room 207 (grothaus).  Work hard to fill out your application and then turn it in by rooms 154 and 207.  See Mrs. Lovewell or Mrs. Grothaus if you have any questions.  Applications must be turned in TODAY!

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Friday and enjoy the weekend!

September 12, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Thursday, September 12 and these are your morning announcements.

Congratulations to Mrs. Gillen’s 4th/5th period block and Mrs. Steven’s 4th/5th period block as well as 6th/7th period block who displayed excellent behavior for a substitute yesterday. Their students will receive Charger points in their accounts. Keep up the good work!

Are you looking for a way to get more involved at Ankeney and to make a positive difference? Do you want to meet new people and plan spirit weeks and special events at Ankeney? Are you a good role model and do you show the Charger Way? If so, fill out an application for Student Advisory Club. Applications can be found by room 154 (Lovewell), the main office and Room 207 (grothaus). Work hard to fill out your application and then turn it in by rooms 154 and 207. See Mrs. Lovewell or Mrs. Grothaus if you have any questions. Applications must be turned in tomorrow.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Thursday!

September 11, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Wednesday, September 11 and these are your morning announcements.

Congratulations to Mrs. Casanova’s 4th and 5th period block and Mrs. Forgie’s 6th period who displayed excellent behavior for a substitute yesterday. Their students will receive Charger points in their accounts. Keep up the good work!

Today is September 11, a day of remembrance in our nation's history. On this day in 2001, our country experienced tragic events that changed the world. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives in terrorist attacks in New York City, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania.

While this happened before many of you were born, it's important for us to understand and reflect on this day. We remember those we lost, honor the heroes who emerged, and think about how we can promote peace in our own lives and communities.

Let's make today a day of reflection, remembrance, and hope for a more peaceful world.

Are you looking for a way to get more involved at Ankeney and make a positive difference? Do you want to meet new people and plan spirit weeks and special events at Ankeney? Are you a good role model and do you show the Charger Way? If so, fill out an application for Student Advisory Club. Applications can be found by room 154 (Lovewell), the Main Office and Room 207 (Grothaus). Work hard to fill out your application and then turn it in by rooms 154 and 207. See Mrs. Lovewell or Mrs. Grothaus if you have any questions. Applications are due by Friday, September 13.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Wednesday!

September 10, 2024

Math Pentathlon will meet for the first time today during Flex. Please check in with your Flex teacher before coming to the IMC. Ask your math teacher or email Mrs. O'Dell with any questions.

Are you looking for a way to get more involved at Ankeney and make a positive difference? Do you want to meet new people and plan spirit weeks and special events at Ankeney? Are you a good role model and do you show the Charger Way? If so, fill out an application for Student Advisory Club. Applications can be found by room 154 (Lovewell), the Main Office and Room 207 (Grothaus). Work hard to fill out your application and then turn it in by rooms 154 and 207. See Mrs. Lovewell or Mrs. Grothaus if you have any questions. Applications are due by Friday, September 13.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Tuesday!

September 9, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Monday, September 9 and these are your morning announcements.

Are you looking for a way to get more involved at Ankeney and make a positive difference? Do you want to meet new people and plan spirit weeks and special events at Ankeney? Are you a good role model and do you show the Charger Way? If so, fill out an application for Student Advisory Club. Applications can be found by room 154 (Lovewell), the Main Office and Room 207 (Grothaus). Work hard to fill out your application and then turn it in by rooms 154 and 207. See Mrs. Lovewell or Mrs. Grothaus if you have any questions. Applications are due by Friday, September 13.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Monday!

September 6, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Friday, September 6 and these are your morning announcements.

TODAY, our Charger Store will be open for the first time this school year. If you wish to spend any Charger points you have earned, stop by The Charger Store which is located off the hallway as you are leaving from the Cafeteria. We have many great new items this year! Check out the pictures in the Need to Know Google Classroom Announcements for a preview!

Have you ever heard of FCA? It is an afterschool club that takes place on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 2:15-3:00. FCA stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes, however it is not restricted to only Christians or Athletes, As we all are running the race of life! Bring a friend! Meetings start Monday, September 9th in Mrs. Lovewell's room 154!

If you missed MAP Tests last week, we will conduct make-ups all this week. If you did not complete Math or Reading MAP, please come to Room 173 TODAY during any period except 5th with your Chromebook, pencil, and notebook paper. Please try to come down during a study hall or Encore class after checking in with your teacher first.

Are you looking for a way to get more involved at Ankeney and to make a positive difference? Do you want to meet new people and plan spirit weeks and special events at Ankeney? Are you a good role model and do you show the Charger Way? If so, fill out an application for Student Advisory Club. Applications can be found by room 154 (Lovewell), the Main Office and Room 207 (Grothaus). Work hard to fill out your application and then turn it in by rooms 154 and 207. See Mrs. Lovewell or Mrs. Grothaus if you have any questions. Applications are due by Friday, September 13.

Muse Machine is an arts organization that brings shows to schools all over Ohio and Kentucky. This year, they are bringing 5 shows to Beavercreek's middle and high schools.  To attend these shows, you must be a member.  More information on membership and the shows can be found on the Muse Machine website. Members also get discount tickets to shows coming to Dayton.  Please sign up by September 5th to attend the first performance.  

Attention 6th graders! Join the new 6th-grade Running Club! All abilities are welcome. Practices will be every Wednesday, starting on September 4th from 4:00 until 5:30 p.m. at the back side of Ankeney Middle School. For more info, contact Mrs. Albers at Coy Middle School or Parent advisor/Coach Mr. Kevin Yost at kevinjyost@yahoo.com.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Friday and enjoy the weekend!

September 5, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Thursday, September 5 and these are your morning announcements.

Students - As a reminder, please make sure you are exiting the building at dismissal time and not waiting on other students. This can cause a backup. Make sure that you are walking and not yelling in the hallways. Also, as stated in the Student Handbook, please make sure you are not writing on yourself or others.

Have you ever heard of FCA? It is an afterschool club that takes place on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 2:15-3:00. FCA stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes, however it is not restricted to only Christians or Athletes, As we all are running the race of life! Bring a friend! Meetings start Monday, September 9th in Mrs. Lovewell's room 154!

If you missed MAP Tests last week, we will conduct make-ups all this week. If you did not complete Math or Reading MAP, please come to Room 173 TODAY during any period except 5th with your Chromebook, pencil, and notebook paper. Please try to come down during a study hall or Encore class after checking in with your teacher first.

Students - As a reminder, please report to your 1st period upon entering the school building each morning. We hope many of you have enjoyed being able to purchase breakfast in the Cafeteria this school year. As a reminder, only students who are purchasing a breakfast should be in the Cafeteria. Students should not be there hanging out with friends unless you are there purchasing food and actively eating. Food must also be finished in the Cafeteria before the 7:27 bell when all students should be heading back to their 1st period. Thank you for your cooperation.

Are you looking for a way to get more involved at Ankeney and to make a positive difference? Do you want to meet new people and plan spirit weeks and special events at Ankeney? Are you a good role model and do you show the Charger Way? If so, fill out an application for Student Advisory Club. Applications can be found by room 154 (Lovewell), the Main Office and Room 207 (Grothaus). Work hard to fill out your application and then turn it in by rooms 154 and 207. See Mrs. Lovewell or Mrs. Grothaus if you have any questions. Applications are due by Friday, September 13.

Muse Machine is an arts organization that brings shows to schools all over Ohio and Kentucky. This year, they are bringing 5 shows to Beavercreek's middle and high schools. To attend these shows, you must be a member. More information on membership and the shows can be found on the Muse Machine website. Members also get discount tickets to shows coming to Dayton. Please sign up by September 5th to attend the first performance.

Attention 6th graders! Join the new 6th-grade Running Club! All abilities are welcome. Practices will be every Wednesday, starting on September 4th from 4:00 until 5:30 p.m. at the back side of Ankeney Middle School. For more info, contact Mrs. Albers at Coy Middle School or Parent advisor/Coach Mr. Kevin Yost at kevinjyost@yahoo.com.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Thursday!

September 4, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Wednesday, September 4 and these are your morning announcements.

Today we celebrate Character Education Day throughout the district. In 2005, our district implemented a character education program to lay the groundwork for good citizenship and to help students understand what is expected of them in terms of conduct. The core of the program are the “pillars of character” that include, the golden rule, caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility, and trustworthiness. The first Wednesday of each month has traditionally been character education day where one pillar is the focus. On this day, we are encouraged to wear a character education shirt or the color of the month. In a district as large as ours, it is one outward way to show unity and focus on a common goal.

The character pillar for the month of September is “The Golden Rule”

Many of you may have noticed that this is actually featured above our main entry doors as you enter Ankeney. The Golden Rule is - “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

Students - As a reminder, please make sure you are exiting the building at dismissal time and not waiting on other students. This can cause a backup. Make sure that you are walking and not yelling in the hallways. Also, as stated in the Student Handbook, please make sure you are not writing on yourself or others.

We will NOT have intramurals TODAY. Please plan to go home after school like you normally do. Intramurals will begin next week on Monday, September 9.

Have you ever heard of FCA? It is an afterschool club that takes place on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 2:15-3:00. FCA stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes, however it is not restricted to only to Christians or Athletes, As we all are running the race of life! Bring a friend! Meetings start Monday, September 9th in Mrs. Lovewell's room 154!

If you missed MAP Tests last week, we will conduct make-ups all this week. If you did not complete Math MAP, please come to Room 173 TODAY during any period except 5th with your Chromebook, pencil, and notebook paper. Please try to come down during a study hall or Encore class after checking in with your teacher first.

Students - As a reminder, please report to your 1st period upon entering the school building each morning. We hope many of you have enjoyed being able to purchase breakfast in the Cafeteria this school year. As a reminder, only students who are purchasing a breakfast should be in the Cafeteria. Students should not be there hanging out with friends unless you are there purchasing food and actively eating. Food must also be finished in the Cafeteria before the 7:27 bell when all students should be heading back to their 1st period. Thank you for your cooperation.

Are you looking for a way to get more involved at Ankeney and to make a positive difference? Do you want to meet new people and plan spirit weeks and special events at Ankeney? Are you a good role model and do you show the Charger Way? If so, fill out an application for Student Advisory Club. Applications can be found by room 154 (Lovewell), the Main Office and Room 207 (Grothaus). Work hard to fill out your application and then turn it in by rooms 154 and 207. See Mrs. Lovewell or Mrs. Grothaus if you have any questions. Applications are due by Friday, September 13.

Muse Machine is an arts organization that brings shows to schools all over Ohio and Kentucky. This year, they are bringing 5 shows to Beavercreek's middle and high schools. To attend these shows, you must be a member. More information on membership and the shows can be found on the Muse Machine website. Members also get discount tickets to shows coming to Dayton. Please sign up by September 5th to attend the first performance.

Attention 6th graders! Join the new 6th-grade Running Club! All abilities are welcome. Practices will be every Wednesday, starting on September 4th from 4:00 until 5:30 p.m. at the back side of Ankeney Middle School. For more info, contact Mrs. Albers at Coy Middle School or Parent advisor/Coach Mr. Kevin Yost at kevinjyost@yahoo.com.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Wednesday!

August 30, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Friday, August 30 and these are your morning announcements.

Congratulations to Mr. Wojtowicz’s Flex who displayed excellent behavior for a substitute this week. All 6th-grade students did awesome at lunch yesterday as well! All of those students will receive Charger points in their account. Keep up the good work!

Picture Day is on Tuesday, September 3. Please make sure to bring your picture envelope to school or have your family order online!

For everyone’s safety, please be sure that your Chromebook is closed and packed away when walking in the hallways.

Students - As a reminder, with over 250 students during each lunch period, please make sure that we are talking at a normal voice level and not screaming or making loud noises. Thank you for your cooperation.

Attention 6th graders! Join the new 6th-grade Running Club! All abilities are welcome. Practices will be every Wednesday, starting on September 4th from 4:00 until 5:30 p.m. at the back side of Ankeney Middle School. For more info, contact Mrs. Albers at Coy Middle School or Parent advisor/Coach Mr. Kevin Yost at kevinjyost@yahoo.com.

If anyone is interested in doing Intramurals, please see Ms. Powell in room 158 to get an information packet with the permission slip. You must have a signed permission slip turned in to be able to participate. Intramurals start next week.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

We have another home varsity football game TODAY!! Middle School students are encouraged to attend WITH their parents. The middle school students should be sitting watching the game and have a designated area to sit (student section - far right side) or sitting with their parents. Students need to be SEATED, not running around underneath the stands or in the grassy area near Ferguson Hall.

Students need to have their ride present and ready for pick-up at approximately 9:00 p.m. Most football games end in the 9:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. range. Student Drop-off and Pick-up should be in the designated loop on Dayton-Xenia Rd. Do NOT drop students off at Fudge Dr.

Please note the following items that are prohibited:

● Outside food and drinks

● Bookbags and large purses (small purses and clutches will be searched upon entry)

● Weapons

● Speakers or bullhorns

● Vapes and other smoking devices

● Skateboards, hoverboards, or scooters

● Nuisance items like laser pointers, beach balls, etc.

● Any other item prohibited in the Student Handbook or stadium policies

As a reminder, the Student Code of Conduct applies to all students attending any school-sponsored event such as athletic events.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Friday and enjoy your 3-day weekend!

August 29, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Thursday, August 29 and these are your morning announcements.

Students - As a reminder, with over 250 students during each lunch period, please make sure that we are talking at a normal voice level and not screaming or making loud noises. Thank you for your cooperation.

Attention 6th graders! Join the new 6th-grade Running Club! All abilities are welcome. Practices will be every Wednesday, starting on September 4th from 4:00 until 5:30 p.m. at the back side of Ankeney Middle School. For more info, contact Mrs. Albers at Coy Middle School or Parent advisor/Coach Mr. Kevin Yost at kevinjyost@yahoo.com.

If anyone is interested in doing Intramurals, please see Ms. Powell in room 158 to get an information packet with the permission slip. You must have a signed permission slip turned in to be able to participate. Intramurals start next week.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Thursday!

August 28, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Wednesday, August 28 and these are your morning announcements.

Today and Thursday this week, we will be taking the Fall MAP assessments in math and reading. Students will report to their Flex classroom for testing. It is very important that you arrive with your Chromebook fully charged every day, especially on testing days.

Attention 6th graders! Join the new 6th-grade Running Club! All abilities are welcome. Practices will be every Wednesday, starting on September 4th from 4:00 until 5:30 p.m. at the back side of Ankeney Middle School. For more info, contact Mrs. Albers at Coy Middle School or Parent advisor/Coach Mr. Kevin Yost at kevinjyost@yahoo.com.

If anyone is interested in doing Intramurals, please see Ms. Powell in room 158 to get an information packet with the permission slip. You must have a signed permission slip turned in to be able to participate. Intramurals start next week.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Wednesday!

August 27, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Tuesday, August 27 and these are your morning announcements.

On Wednesday and Thursday this week, we will be taking the Fall MAP assessments in math and reading. Students will report to their Flex classroom for testing. It is very important that you arrive with your Chromebook fully charged every day, especially on testing days.

If anyone is interested in doing Intramurals, please see Ms. Powell in room 158 to get an information packet with the permission slip. You must have a signed permission slip turned in to be able to participate. Intramurals start next week.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

Students - As a reminder, water bottles are allowed as long as they are reusable and spill-proof. Water bottles must be 30 oz or less. Only water may be used to fill water bottles used in the building. Thank you for your cooperation.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Tuesday!

August 26, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Monday, August 26 and these are your morning announcements.

The Clinic is closed TODAY except for medications and emergencies. Please go to the Main Office for assistance.

Art Club is gearing up! All 6th, 7th and 8th grade students are welcome to join. We will hold an informational meeting from 2:15-3:00 in Room 119 on Thursday, September 12. See Ms. Clark or Miss Reynolds with any questions.

Students - As a reminder, water bottles are allowed as long as they are reusable and spill-proof. Water bottles must be 30 oz or less. Only water may be used to fill water bottles used in the building. Thank you for your cooperation.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Monday!

August 23, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Chargers! It’s Friday, August 23 and these are your morning announcements.

Congratulations to Miss Walker’s 6th/7th-periods who displayed excellent behavior for a substitute yesterday. All of those students will receive Charger points in their account. Keep up the good work!

Kona Ice will be here at lunch TODAY! Cash will also be accepted if you did not pre-pay. Once you have a seat in the Cafeteria, we will allow students who prepaid to head outside to get their Kona Ice and return inside. Once all prepaid orders are complete, those who brought cash will be able to make their purchase. Kona Ice must be eaten inside and cannot be taken outside.

Students - As a reminder, water bottles are allowed as long as they are reusable and spill-proof. Water bottles must be 30 oz or less. Only water may be used to fill water bottles used in the building. Thank you for your cooperation.

The first varsity football game of the season is TODAY!! Middle School students are encouraged to attend WITH their parents. The middle school students should be sitting watching the game and have a designated area to sit (student section - far right side) or sitting with their parents. Students need to be SEATED, not running around underneath the stands or in the grassy area near Ferguson Hall.

Students need to have their ride present and ready for pick-up at approximately 9:00 p.m. Most football games end in the 9:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. range. Student Drop-off and Pick-up should be in the designated loop on Dayton-Xenia Rd. Do NOT drop students off at Fudge Dr.

Please note the following items that are prohibited:

● Outside food and drinks

● Bookbags and large purses (small purses and clutches will be searched upon entry)

● Weapons

● Speakers or bullhorns

● Vapes and other smoking devices

● Skateboards, hoverboards, or scooters

● Nuisance items like laser pointers, beach balls, etc.

● Any other item prohibited in the Student Handbook or stadium policies

As a reminder, the Student Code of Conduct applies to all students attending any school-sponsored event such as athletic events.

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds.

That is all for today’s announcements. Remember to follow the “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Friday and have an enjoyable weekend!

August 22, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Students! It’s Thursday, August 22 and these are your morning announcements.

Congratulations to Mrs. Rupp’s 5th-period class who displayed excellent behavior for a substitute yesterday. 8th graders also did an awesome job walking quietly to lunch yesterday. All of those students will receive Charger points in their account. Keep up the good work!

Today and Friday, we will begin assigning lunchroom seats. Please be sure today when you are seated in the lunchroom that there are only 4 students per bench.

Kona Ice will be here at lunch this Friday! Check with your parents later today to pre-pay to enjoy a tasty treat later this week! Cash will also be accepted.

Do you enjoy helping others? Do you have a study hall during the school day? You might enjoy being a student aide for a teacher, in the IMC, or in the Main Office! Talk with your Study Hall Monitor to get the paperwork!

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds. Everyone did an awesome job following these new guidelines last week, so keep up the good work!

Later today in Flex, you will continue learning more about building expectations through “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Thursday!

August 21, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney students! It’s Wednesday, August 21 and these are your morning announcements.

On Thursday and Friday, we will begin assigning lunchroom seats. Please be sure today when you are seated in the lunchroom that there are only 4 students per bench.

Kona Ice will be here at lunch this Friday! Check with your parents later today to pre-pay to enjoy a tasty treat later this week! Cash will also be accepted.

Do you enjoy helping others? Do you have a study hall during the school day? You might enjoy being a student aide for a teacher, in the IMC, or in the Main Office! Talk with your Study Hall Monitor to get the paperwork!

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds. Everyone did an awesome job following these new guidelines last week, so keep up the good work!

Later today in Flex, you will continue learning more about building expectations through “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Wednesday!

August 20, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Middle School Students! It’s Tuesday, August 20 and these are your morning announcements.

Kona Ice will be here at lunch this Friday! Check with your parents later today to pre-pay to enjoy a tasty treat later this week! Cash will also be accepted.

Do you enjoy helping others? Do you have a study hall during the school day? You might enjoy being a student aide for a teacher, in the IMC, or in the Main Office! Talk with your Study Hall Monitor to get the paperwork!

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds. Everyone did an awesome job following these new guidelines last week, so keep up the good work!

Later today in Flex, you will continue learning more about building expectations through “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Tuesday!

August 16, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Middle School Students! It’s Friday, August 16 and these are your morning announcements.

We continue to do well in getting to school on time! All buses were here by 7:30 and no cars were in the drop-off line yesterday at that time! Keep up the good work!

As a reminder, cell phones must be turned off and stowed away from the time you enter the building until when you leave for the day. If you need to contact your family, please come to the Main Office. Also, all shirts that are worn to school must cover your stomach. Please check out the Student Handbook that is available on the Ankeney website.

Thank you students for doing an awesome job memorizng your lunch PIN. This will make our lunch line most much faster and allow everyone enough time to eat.  

Do you enjoy helping others? Do you have a study hall during the school day? You might enjoy being a student aide for a teacher, in the IMC, or in the Main Office! Talk with your Study Hall Monitor to get the paperwork!

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds. Everyone did an awesome job following these new guidelines yesterday, so keep up the good work!

Later today in Flex, you will continue learning more about building expectations through “The Charger Way!”  which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Friday and enjoy your weekend!

August 15, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Middle School Students! It’s Thursday, August 15 and these are your morning announcements.

Awesome job students getting to school on time yesterday! All buses were here by 7:30 and no cars were in the drop-off line! Keep up the good work!

Do you enjoy helping others? Do you have a study hall during the school day? You might enjoy being a student aide for a teacher, in the IMC, or in the Main Office! Talk with your Study Hall Monitor to get the paperwork!

If you have not yet received your school Chromebook, please see your ELA teacher and they can assist you with the status of your Chromebook. As a reminder, your Technology User Agreement must be completed in OneView to be able to take your school Chromebook home.

All students, please remember to walk only on the sidewalk after you exit the bus in the morning.

If you don’t remember your lunch PIN or are new to Beavercreek, no worries! We will have staff and parent volunteers in the Cafeteria who can look them up for you! Please memorize your number by next week!

Students, while your teacher takes attendance after announcements, please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is turned off and placed in your backpack. As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted to be on you or used during the school day. This also includes wireless earbuds. Everyone did an awesome job following these new guidelines yesterday, so keep up the good work!

Later today in Flex, you will continue learning more about building expectations through “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Make it a great Thursday!

August 14, 2024

Good Morning, Ankeney Middle School Students! Welcome to the first day of the 2024-2025 school year! This is Mr. Shimko with your morning announcements.

We are excited to see everyone back in the building!! At this point, you should be in your first-period class. If you need help finding your way through the building, please find a staff member and they can help you find where you are supposed to be.

We would like to give a special welcome to our 6th graders at Ankeney today! We are so glad you are now part of the Ankeney family! If you need any help in the building today, remember to look for our WEB Leaders and Staff members wearing the gray WEB shirts and they will be happy to help you!

In first-period today, your teachers will be making sure you know which bus you are going to ride home on this afternoon. If you do not know, please fill out a slip and we will figure that out for you before the afternoon.

You will also receive a new PINK copy of your schedule this morning. This schedule is the most up-to-date version of your schedule. Please follow this schedule throughout the day.

If you don’t remember your lunch PIN or are new to Beavercreek, no worries! Your teachers have access to them and we will have staff in the Cafeteria that can look them up for you!

Soon after announcements, we will host a virtual meeting with the entire school to get our new school year started!

Later today in Flex, you will be learning more about building expectations through “The Charger Way!” which means to BE KIND, WORK HARD, and PROBLEM-SOLVE! Again, welcome to Ankeney Middle School! Make it a great first day!

Ankeney Middle School


4085 Shakertown Road, Beavercreek, OH 45430

Phone: 937-429-7567

Fax: 937-429-7685

Office Hours M-F: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

School Day: 7:30 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.

E-mail: AMSHelp@gocreek.org (Allow up to 24 hours for a response.)