On behalf of the Main Elementary PTO, we would like to welcome you to our school! Here you will find information on all the PTO happens for the entire school year. From Family Nights Out at local eateries to our Holiday Shoppe & Jamboree, there are many ways for you to become involved! Please feel free to contact the board members, if you have any questions. Our Main PTO email is
Board Members:
President - Diane Dzieman
Vice President - Sarah Dabney
Secretary - Melissa Harrell
Treasurer - Will Morgan
Historian Candidate - Cynthia Cogswell
Corresponding Secretary - Stacey Murphy
PTO Meeting Dates:
September 12- PTO Kick off on the playground
October 10 on the playground
November 7 in library
December 5 in library
January 9 in library
February 7- PTO Meeting at set up for family dance at Coy Middle school
March 6 in library
April 3 on playground
May 7 on playground
Links to support Main Elementary PTO:
Amazon Smile:
Kroger Community Rewards:
Box Tops:
After each PTO meeting, we will upload the minutes of the meeting. Click here to see past meeting minutes. Feel free to contact the PTO with any comments, questions, or concerns.
The name of this organization shall be the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), Main Elementary. The term parent refers to any adult with whom the child resides, including guardian. foster parent, or step-parent. The term teacher refers to any staff member.
Section 1: To promote the welfare of the children and youth in the home, school. and community.
Section 2: To bring the home and the school into closer relationship so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently to enrich the child's education.
Section 3: To develop united efforts between educators and the public to secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and moral development.
Section 1: The program of this organization shall be educational and shall be developed through conferences, committees, and projects. PTO sponsored activities and projects should be for the benefit of our children. This may be accomplished through:
a. programs and activities for the enjoyment or enrichment of the students.
b. programs to communicate with or inform parents and teachers on topics relating to the children's educational development, and
C. items purchased with funds generated by PTO activities which deal
directly with the children's academic enrichment or physical well being. or which enhance the school environment.
Section 2: This organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan. Neither the name of the organization nor the names of its officers in their official capacity shall be used in any connection with a commercial concern, with any partisan interest, for any purpose other than the regular work of the organization.
Section 3: Members of this organization may cooperate with other organizations and agencies active in child welfare, provided they make no commitments which bind the PTO.
Section 4: PTO petitions in support of or opposition to issues are appropriate and maybe circulated with the approval of a majority vote of those members present and voting at a PTO meeting.
Section 5: Said organization is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify, as exempt organizations under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. (IRS regulation).
The organization shall consist of Officers, a Board of Directors, and the general membership.
Section 1:
The PTO shall have the following elected Officers: President
First Vice-President
Second Vice-President(s) (non-elected, the Principal(s)) Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
a. The Officers shall meet upon the call of the President.
b. The Officers shall appoint the committee chairpersons.
C. The Officers shall retain complete authority in the establishment of procedures to implement the policies contained in this Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 2: The PTO shall have a Board of Directors responsible for directing the operations of the Organization. The Board shall consist of the following:
a. the elected officers,
b. the chairpersons of standing and special committees,
C. chairpersons of subcommittees, and
d. one teacher representative.
Section 3: The general membership shall include all members joining the PTO.
Section 1: Any person who subscribes to the objectives of this organization may become a member in good standing if he/she so desires. However, the holding of elected office is limited to Main Elementary staff and parents of children attending Main.
Section 2: The annual dues shall be a donation of any amount per member, but is not mandatory.
Section 3: The PTO shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but persons may be admitted to membership at any time.
Section 4: All members shall have the right and responsibility to join committees, make motions, debate, and vote at all meetings.
Section 1: The Organization shall hold monthly meetings on a regularly scheduled basis throughout the school year at a public location. At least three meetings shall be scheduled for evenings, preferably in October, March, and April.
Section 2: Notification of all meetings shall be made via the yearly school calendar, the newsletter, or special notice.
Section 3: A majority vote of those members present and voting at any meeting is required for passage of any actions, motions, resolutions, or amendments to the Constitution.
Section 4: Additional meetings may, be called by a majority of the Officers provided five days written notice is distributed to the membership.
Section 1: Any amendments to this document shall be proposed in writing, signed by five PTO members, and presented to each of the Officers.
Section 2: The Vice-President shall be responsible for preparing a notification of amendment proposals. The notification shall include any sections of the Constitution under consideration as they currently read and the proposed changes or additions.
Section 3: The Vice-President shall send this notification to the membership at least two weeks prior to the next regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
Section 4: The proposed amendment(s) shall be introduced. Discussed, and voted on at the meeting following distribution of the notification. All approved amendments shall be incorporated into the Constitution by the Vice-President.
Section 5: A copy of the current Constitution and any proposed amendments shall be made available to the general membership upon request through the school office or the PTO Vice-President.
The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order. Revised. shall guide the PTO.
Section L
The Finance Committee shall consist of the following: President
a. The Committee shall consult with the past President and the past Treasurer for input.
b. The Committee shall prepare a budget and present it at the first PTO meeting of the school year.
C. The Committee shall consider staff requests, develop ideas for expenditures and major gifts, and coordinate those ideas with the Principal(s).
Section 2: A three-part budget consisting of anticipated income, operating expenses, and non-operating expenses shall be proposed by the Finance Committee.
a. The anticipated income is based on previous experience and proposed fund-raising activities.
b. The operating expense portion shall be a detailed plan which shall include all expected expenses and allowances for contingency amounts to cover the needs of the Organization for the year.
C. The non-operating expense portion shall be those prioritized items recommended for purchase by the Finance Committee. These items are the PTO's gifts to the school which might otherwise be financially unavailable to them. Said items may be purchased only when funds are available beyond the commitment to the operating expenses.
Section 3: A copy of the proposed budget shall be included in the Welcome Packet (see Bylaws) with the notation that presentation, discussion, and voting will take place at the September PTO meeting.
Section 4: Passage of the proposed budget shall require a majority vote of the members present and voting at the September PTO meeting.
Section 5: Proposed expenditures which exceed the budgeted amount by $150.00 or 10%, whichever is greater, or non-budgeted expenditures in excess of $150.00 must be approved by a majority vote of those members present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting. Over-budget or non-budgeted expenditures below these thresholds maybe approved by a majority of the elected officers.
Section 6: Upon dissolution of this Organization. all funds and property, real and personal, in excess of liabilities, shall be given to an organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or scientific purposes which qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, with the organization or organizations being decided upon by the Board of Directors (IRS Regulation).
Section 7: No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons. except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions and furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause hereof. No substantial part of (lie activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in. or intervene in open (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code (IRS Regulation).
1. A written notice asking for volunteers for office shall be sent to the membership two weeks prior to the March meeting.
2. Nominations for PTO office shall be made by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three PTO members, at least one of whom is a member of the Board of Directors and at least one of whom is not. One of these members shall be appointed by the President and two shall be elected by the membership at the March meeting.
3. At the first meeting of the Nominating Committee, the Constitution and Bylaws shall be read to determine who is eligible for office and the duties of each officer.
4. All discussions of the Nominating Committee shall be confidential.
5. Beginning with the office of President, the Committee shall agree on one candidate and contact that person while the Committee members are together, if possible.
6. The Nominating Committee shall give initial and primary consideration to members of the incumbent Board of Directors when selecting nominees for new office or positions.
7. No Officers shall be eligible for the same office for more than two consecutive terms, with the exception of the offices held by the school administrators.
8. No person shall be asked to serve as President without first serving one year on the Board of Directors.
9. The Nominating Committee may ask members of the PTO for suggestions, but is not bound to follow them.
10. A member who is asked to be a nominee shall be informed of the duties of the office. The consent of each nominee must be obtained before being placed in nomination.
11. The Nominating Committee has the right to nominate its own members for office, if they are eligible.
12. The written slate of nominations, signed by the Committee members, shall be presented at the regular April meeting. A written notice of the slate of nominees shall be sent to the membership preceding the April meeting. One candidate for each office will be presented from the Nominating Committee. Additional nominations maybe made from the floor.
13. The Nominating Committee is automatically discharged after the new officers have been elected.
1. Officers shall be elected by ballot if more than one person is running for office or b-, show of hands if only one person is on the slate. The election shall occur at the April PTO meeting following the presentation of the slate by the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee and after soliciting additional nominations from the floor.
2. A vacancy occurring in an office shall be filled as soon as possible. Notice of the vacancy shall be given to the membership at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which the office is to be filled. Nominations will be taken from the floor and voting will occur at the same meeting.
3. Officers shall serve for a period of one school year beginning the day following the last day of school with the exception of the Treasurer who retains responsibilities until after the books have been audited.
1. Presides at all meetings of the Organization and the Board of Directors.
2. Immediately following election to office, prepares the PTO calendar of events and meetings for the coming school year, working in conjunction with past President and Principal(s).
3. Is a member of the Finance Committee and member, ex officio, of all committees, except the Nominating Committee, and represents the PTO at other functions as required.
4. Performs all other duties usually pertaining to the office.
5. Maintains a month to month file folder of activity.
6. Has the authority to write checks and is bonded by the Organization.
1. A non-elected office consisting of the Principal(s).
2. Acts in an advisory capacity to the PTO.
1. Keeps correct and detailed minutes of meetings and presents them for approval at the next meeting.
2. Provides copies of the prior month's meeting minutes to all attendees at PTO meetings. Posts a copy of the minutes of each meeting on the PTO bulletin board.
3. Is custodian of the permanent records of the PTO and keeps files current and orderly. The files shall be maintained in the PTO office and shall include:
4. Maintains an inventory of items purchased for PTO use and their location.
1. Performs the duties of the President in his/her absence.
2. Succeeds to the Presidency if at any time the President is unable to complete the full term of office.
3. Keeps and brings to all meetings the Organization's copy of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.
4. Prepares the volunteer lists for Chairpersons upon receipt of the membership envelopes from the Membership Committee.
5. Prepares and distributes notifications of proposed Constitutional amendments.
6. Incorporates all approved amendments into the Constitution.
a. The bonding insurance policy.
b. Audit reports.
c. Minutes of all PTO meetings for the past two years.
d. Inventory of items for PTO use and their location.
4. After receiving the audit report, shall distribute copies to each Principal, the PTO President, and the incoming and outgoing Treasurer.
1. Writes all correspondence for the PTO and reads all communications which are brought before the membership. Sends thank you notes as needed.
2. Is responsible for maintaining an attractive and up-to-date PTO bulletin board, possibly with thank you notes or student letters received in response to PTO sponsored activities.
3. Performs the duties of the Recording Secretary in his/her absence and succeeds to that office if at any time the Recording Secretary is unable to complete the full term of office.
1. Is custodian of financial records and accounts of the PTO. As such receives all monies of the Organization, keeps accurate and detailed records of all receipts and expenditures, and disperses funds only as authorized in the budget and on presentation of an approved Request for Reimbursement form with receipts attached. The President or First Vice-President may approve the form.
a. Out-of-pocket expenses made within the limits of the budget by appropriate members shall be reimbursed upon presentation of an approved Request for Reimbursement form with receipts attached.
b. Other expenses to be paid that been budgeted and are funded may be paid by the Treasurer without further approval.
2. Presents a detailed statement of account with copies for all attendees at every meeting of the PTO.
3. Is a member of the Finance Committee.
4. Is bonded by the Organization.
5. The outgoing Treasurer, after consultation with the outgoing and incoming Presidents, is
authorized to conduct routine financial business until presenting the books for audit.
6. PTO's fiscal year, as filed with IRS, is August 1 to July 31. After July 31, the outgoing treasurer may make no further transactions. The treasurer shall have books audited by August 7.
a. The auditor shall submit a written statement to the Recording Secretary who shall distribute copies to the Principal(s), the PTO President, the incoming Treasurer, and the outgoing Treasurer.
b. The outgoing Treasurer shall deliver the books to the newly elected Treasurer within five days after completion of the audit, at which time his/her duties and responsibilities end.
7. The new Treasurer, after consulting with the new President, is authorized to expend monies only for operating expenses during the period of time between the audit and passage of the new budget.
1. Shall meet with the newly elected officers prior to the end of the school year and review programs, finances, outstanding obligations, and make recommendations.
2. Will meet as a committee, with the past President serving as advisor when necessary. Special meetings of the officers may be called by the President or at the request of three other officers. A majority will constitute a quorum.
3. The officers, as a committee, shall:
a. Approve appointments of chairpersons for standing committees, special committees, and subcommittees.
b. Make recommendations to the Organization.
4. Shall sign all reports and documents relative to their office with both name and official capacity.
5. Shall perform other duties as delegated by the President.
A. The Board of Directors. as defined in the Constitution, shall consist of the officers, the chairpersons of the standing and special committees, the chairpersons of subcommittees, and the teacher representative.
B. The new Board of Directors shall meet with the old Board of Directors prior to the end of the school year to review programs, finances, outstanding obligations, and make recommendations. At this time, records and files pertaining to the year's activities shall be passed from the outgoing to the incoming board members.
C. The President or a majority of the Board may call meetings of the Board of Directors to formulate policies or direct the operations of the organization.
D. To appoint committees as the good of the organization may demand.