first day

First Day At School Poem

It seems it was just moments ago He was placed upon my chest, When I gazed down at him in wonder and knew that I was blessed.

A tiny little baby This miracle of mine, His brown eyes full of innocence That made my own eyes shine.

And yet here he stands before me So proud in his shirt and tie, His first day of school today and I’m trying not to cry.

Because as my heart bursts with pride There is sadness in there too. “Time flies” they always say And now I know this to be true.

While this new chapter is starting Another one will end. I’ll miss my little shadow, my happy little friend.

I know I’m being selfish To want to keep him by my side, But I’ve always been there to protect him And comfort him when he cried.

I’m worried that he might need me, I’m worried he might cry, I’m worried he might be scared, I’m worried he might be shy.

But then a little hand slips into mine And tells me it’s time to go. A lump appears inside my throat But I will not let it show.

I look at his little face And I know that it is time. My brave little man is ready He’s going to be just fine.