Thank you for visiting the Military Family Support Web Page. We are happy to be of service to our military families and students at Beavercreek City Schools.
Our hope is to provide support for your family, whether you are new to the area or long time residents.
Beavercreek City Schools is proud to have all their buildings recognized with the Purple Star Designation from the Ohio Department of Education:
Beavercreek Preschool Center
Fairbrook Elementary
Main Elementary
Parkwood Elementary
Shaw Elementary
Trebein Elementary
Valley Elementary
Ankeney Middle School
Coy Middle School
Ferguson Hall
Beavercreek High School
The Purple Star Award for military-friendly schools recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military.
Military Family Liaisons (per building):
Beavercreek Preschool Center:
Lyndsey Hamlin: lyndsey.hamlin@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Fairbrook Elementary:
Joell Mangan: joell.mangan@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Christine Carenza: christine.carenza@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Stephanie Buchholz: stephanie.buchholz@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Main Elementary:
Mary Rice: mary.rice@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Alexis Hobbs: alexis.hobbs@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Parkwood Elementary:
Cassidy DiGiorgi: cassidy.digiorgi@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Shaw Elementary:
Sheila Hagood: sheila.hagood@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Trebein Elementary:
Corrie Maas: corrie.maas@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Valley Elementary:
Shelby Evans: shelby.evans@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Ankeney Middle School:
Andrea Durham: andrea.durham@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Coy Middle School:
Erynn Guzman: erynn.guzman@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Caryssa Culp: caryssa.culp@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Ferguson Hall:
Jaimie Sweet: jaimie.sweet@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Beavercreek High School:
Jay Reynolds: jay.reynolds@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Chris Downing: chris.downing@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
District Liaison:
Liz Driver: liz.driver@beavercreek.k12.oh.us
Military and Family Life Counselors (MFLCs):
MFLCs are available to provide the following services during the school day for your student:
Individual and family counseling
Military lunch bunch
Deployment Support
Transition Support
Coaching and support for staff at school to support their work with children of military families.
Presentations/Group facilitation on topics relevant to youth; such as bullying, stress management, study skills, etc. for military and non-military students.
Sean Barrett-IMFT
Pamela Woodard-LISW-S